Kent Island Elementary School

elementary school cafeteria with students eating at tables


Kent Island Elementary School was a single-story facility serving grades K–2 that was constructed in 1956. Multiple additions were constructed in 1961, 1970 and 1980 that increased the State Rated Capacity (SRC) to 445 students, but had resulted in an inefficient and disorganized layout. Gilbert Architects developed an educational specification for this facility to restructure from a K–2 to a Pre-K to 5th grade organization; to increase the SRC to 600 students; and to reorganize the layout of the facility to meet the school system’s educational program philosophy.


The building was located within the 1,000 ft. Critical Area setback of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. The design solution needed to result in no net increase to impervious surfaces within the Critical Area. A small classroom addition was constructed in the Critical Area that helped reorganize the educational portions of the building and also improved circulation between two of the existing classroom wings. This addition was offset by the removal of an old parking lot and service drive to result in a net reduction of impervious area within the Critical Area.

elementary school administrative desk


A new full-size gym with an instrumental music/stage for public performances was also added to the building outside of the Critical Area. The old undersized gym was converted to a cafeteria and a new kitchen was created. Both the cafeteria and gymnasium are arranged to allow for easy, secure separation from the classroom wings for public use in the evenings. The administration area was enlarged and reorganized with a new secure and visibly identifiable entrance to replace the previously nondescript public entrance.

Renovations included a new geothermal mechanical system, electrical system, fire suppression system, ADA upgrades, replacement windows and doors, and new building finishes. New art and music classrooms were created within the existing facility and the media center was expanded and upgraded.

The project was completed in two phases and delivered 4 months ahead of schedule.

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